Thomas’ journey to the first Belgian Golden Hoodie

In case you missed nbsp Salesforce Connections Chicago 22 we have some big news This year for the first time in Belgium our Head of Commerce Cloud was awarded the Golden Hoodie hellip

In case you missed Salesforce Connections Chicago ’22, we have some big news! This year, for the first time in Belgium, our Head of Commerce Cloud was awarded the Golden Hoodie. We’d like to introduce you to Thomas Theunen, who will share his journey to the first Belgian Golden Hoodie. Let’s have a chat with Thomas.

Thomas' journey to the first Belgian Golden Hoodie

So tell us, who is Thomas Theunen?

I started my Salesforce journey together with FORWARD five years ago as a developer for Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud. As I love discovering new things, the Salesforce ecosystem provided a perfect pool for me to fish in. In the past years, I have gotten to know multiple products that Salesforce offers to get a customer 360 view and mainly focussing on getting those systems to play nice with each other.

I am also married with two beautiful children, Thalia and Thano, who give me new challenges every day. In my spare time, I also help out at a local theatre group called ‘t Geels Volkstoneel and have found a passion for designing t-shirts for #shirtforce.

What is a Golden Hoodie?

An excellent question, although it is hard to boil down into a short answer. But I will try anyway: “It is a way of saying thanks by Salesforce for contributions towards the community, customers, and Salesforce.” It is a way for Salesforce to provide recognition to people who are “doing well and doing good” in their careers, companies, and communities.

What’s your role within the Trailblazer Community?

I try to help where I can, sharing my knowledge and helping those stuck with a problem. My role constantly changes within the Community as I look for gaps and new ways to help people. I am currently managing a blog called “The Rhino Inquisitor,” where I write down my thoughts and helpful guides for specific challenges people might have on the Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud platform.

Some tips to get the Golden Hoodie?

There are no tips on how to get this. If you look at the people who have earned the coveted Golden Hoodie, they have made significant contributions to the community to help everyone grow in their careers and, in many cases, their personal life.

To get a Golden Hoodie answering questions, writing a blog… will probably not be enough to be noticed by Salesforce. But how do you get noticed? I do not have a good answer for that….

How’s life been after you won the Golden Hoodie?

Busy, I am not used to this much attention. Especially after a long time at home, not going to events and meeting people, it has been quite a change for me. But I am going to continue doing the things I am doing at my own pace.

What’s your motivation quote?

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” I changed my favorite quote the last two years. This is something that I keep in the back of my head when I write my content or answer questions. I try to give people the tools to solve their challenges independently, rather than having to come to my doorstep for each challenge.

Want FORWARD to help you with your Salesforce journey? Or in need for a good Commerce Cloud team to help you with your business goals? Reach out!

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